Full Name: $name

Email: $email

Phone: $phone

Message: $message"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: no-reply@skinmedicsclinic.com\r\n"; $sendmail = mail($to, $subject, $message,$headers); } ?> SkinMedics
BE-1, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
We are Social:
A beautiful Skin & You
We Provide
Dermatology Treatments!
with HIGHEST Standards of Patient Care
Welcome to SkinMedics

Let Your Beauty Shine

Welcome to SkinMedics

Let Your Beauty Shine

We at SkinMedics believe in excellence and expertise propelled by precision. In this fast and fashionable world we all aim to look dashing, youthful and presentable. Therefore we at our centre offer you with the best solution for all your dermatology needs starting from acne, skin allergy, anti-aging to other sophisticated procedures like: hair transplant, PRP, and the laser therapies. With our decade old experience and expertise in the field we are bound to deliver you nothing but just the best.

Dr. Rahul Arora is an internationally renowned Board certified Dermatologist, Trichologist and Hair Transplant surgeon who has years of clinical experience in Aesthetic Dermatology and Hair Transplant surgery. He is a graduate from Maulana Azad medical college, Delhi and completed his fellowship in Advanced Dermatology, Lasers and Dermato-surgery from national skin centre, Singapore. He is considered to be one of the top most Dermatologists in Delhi.

Dr. Rahul Arora
(Director and founder, SkinMedics)

Our Specialized Treatments

All Dermatology Treatments

We know how precious your delicate skin is and trust only the highly acclaimed skin experts with an excellent reputation and proven track record. Our pain free treatments and latest non-incisive solutions have successfully brightened up many lives by enhancing the natural beauty!

See the difference

Why Choose Us?

10+ years of Experience

Honoured with the
by IADVL-DSB in 2012

A Writer

Felicitated with the Imrich Sarkany Memorial International Award at Copenhagen, Denmark in 2015

A Researcher

Innumerable publications, books and articles on various topics in National & International journals and books

Our Numbers speak for Us

What Have We Achieved

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Patient Testimonials

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